Can't download DevKinsta- Help Please

Hi, I can’t download DevKinsta.

It keeps giving me this error message on the download page:

I have tried multiple times. I’ve waited hours in between tries. I’ve cleared my cache and tried again and I’ve also tried downloading it in an incognito window.

I’ve tried downloading it through different browsers other than chrome (firefox and brave). Also tried using a different email address. All resulted in the same message.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Hi @bw21s . Welcome to DevKinsta! I’m sorry for the trouble here. Our team is looking at this at the moment. Could you verify that this is still occurring? What operating system are you on?

this happened to me today, quite frustrating, but I was able to download from chrome in incognito mode. I also used a different email - not sure if that was a factor though

I’m sorry for the trouble there! Would you be able to tell us which operating system you downloaded DevKinsta? We’ll continue investigating this.

Hi, sorry for the delay in response. I am using Windows 10 operating system. I tried downloading it again both in chrome and incognito. Still no luck. :disappointed: :confused:

Hi @bw21s - would you happen to have any sort of adblocks or software that would prevent the download from occurring?

No, I don’t. I can see when I access the download page that sometimes it briefly shows an opt-in message, but this then disappears. Not sure if that could have anything to do with it. Isn’t there another way you guys can set up a download? Via another site maybe?

Hi Michael, just want to follow up and let you know I was finally able to download the DevKinsta application. I did it by using a private tab in Firefox Explorer. However, I think it would be good if you can find out what’s causing this issue so you can fix it for other customers in the future. Anyways, thanks!

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