Website type is about 5.5 but should be 5.6

I installed a website, I download one of my staing website and this one is about wordpress 5.6, but DevKinsta display Wordpress 5.5 below Wordpress Website type?


Hi @ErikDeNice . Would you be able to provide a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Is the site that’s pulled from your staging site WordPress 5.6 or WordPress 5.5? Could you also confirm the WordPress version of your staging site? Thank you!

on my staging its a 5.6 Wp version n ot 5.5

Thanks for reporting this. I’ve moved this over to Bug Reports category for us to investigate further. Sorry for the trouble here!

This should be resolved now but if you’re still experiencing issues, please do let us know! Thank you again for letting us know about this issue!