Unable to connect admin account

Hello, i’ve migrated my kinsta website into devkinsta for some dev reason and after the process i connect to the admin account from the original website and nothing show it says that my credentials are wrong but they are not, i’ve seen the account in the database so i don’t understand why that doesn’t work

Best regards

Hello @ZenmonDrops and welcome to DevKinsta Community!

Is there a $ sign in your current password? There’s currently a bug that will be soon fixed that affects passwords that contain a $ sign. If this is the case, please simply change your password to the exact same password either via WP CLI or via Adminer.

In case are needed, these are the steps to change the password via Adminer:

  1. Open your site in DevKinsta and click on the Database manager button
  2. Click on the wp_users table (the wp_ part might change depending on your current table prefix)
  3. Click on the top on Select Data and then on the pencil icon
  4. On the user_pass field, type again your password and be sure to select MD5 from the dropdown
  5. Click on Save

You should now be able to access the admin area of your local site without issues.


Hey and thx for your advice i’ve changed the pass and that doesn’t work :frowning:

:thinking: does it work if you use the standard “Lost your password” process from wp-login.php?

no i can’t reset password

I think there might be an issue with the database. Are you familiar with the steps needed to create a new admin user via WP CLI? If not, I can guide you

can you please guide me ? First time using Devkinsta and not so familiar with wp cli with DEV Kinsta

Of course, what operation system do you use?

yes, my operation system is macOS

Okay, let’s give this a try:

  1. Open the application called Terminal
  2. Run this command: docker exec -u www-data -it devkinsta_fpm bash
  3. Move to your site folder using cd public/sitename replace sitename with the name of your site
  4. Run this command to add a new admin user: wp user create test test@yoursite.com --role=administrator --user_pass=password of course feel free to change the username (test) the email address (test@yoursite.com) and the password (password)

i’ve followed your instructions and have a success but when login that doesn’t work

@ZenmonDrops how was the site migrated exactly? Was this just an import made via DevKinsta or the database has been exported/imported manually?

The database and all the stuff have been imported by devKinsta

Hello Hardeman :wave:

If everything (files and database, and all stuff) have been imported as is from MyKinsta to DevKinsta, the WP users and their passwords should remain the same in the local database. :thinking:

I’m wondering if it’s a multisite WordPress perhaps? and if that so, when importing this WP multisite from your MyKinsta, did you choose the same/correct multisite type (Subdomain VS Subdirectory) that’s actually used on your Live WP multisite?

If that was not the case (and the WP multisite type was setup correctly), I’m wondering what if you set that new WP user (the “test” account you added before) with super-admin access.
So, please try do the following:

  1. Open the application called Terminal
  2. Run this command: docker exec -u www-data -it devkinsta_fpm bash
  3. Move to your site folder with: cd public/sitename (replace sitename with the name of your site)
  4. Run this command: wp super-admin add newusername (replace the newusername with the WP username you created previously).
  5. Run this command, to make sure that the new WP user you created before is available in the database: wp user list | grep newusername
    (replace the newusername with the WP username you created previously).

After that, please try to login with that new WP user and its password that you had setup previously. See if you will be able to login with it? if it’s still not working, maybe you can please also provide a screenshot of the wp-login page that shows your credential are wrong?


Hey, i already have a super admin and i’ve changed password but that doesn’t work either

i suspect that a plugin is causing this issue but when i try to deactivate all with wp cli, i’ve a critical error and i don’t know how i can see which critical error is

Hey @ZenmonDrops can you share a screenshot of the WP CLI command and the output?

Hey, here’s the error i’ve got

@ZenmonDrops please try to add --skip-plugins to the command you have used