New DevKinsta Install + DK0031 Error

Total noob here that’s looking to use DevKinsta to build and update WordPress websites on the go. After installing DevKinsta, I’m getting the following error:

DK0031 | Port 80 or 443 is used.

I’ve checked the documentation and ran:

netstat -ano | findstr :80

I get a list of TCP + IP-looking addresses and statements like listening, established, time_wait – I don’t know what any of this means and I have no idea what is a PID or what I’m supposed to replace to get this to work.

To reemphasize – total noob here… :sweat_smile:

Used a random number as a PID on TCP:80 and got passed that error only to run into DK0009: Can’t start docker container.

I tried running:

docker kill devkinsta_fpm && docker kill devkinsta_nginx && docker kill devkinsta_adminer && docker kill devkinsta_db && docker kill devkinsta_mailhog

in powershell and get the following error:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> docker kill devkinsta_fpm && docker kill devkinsta_nginx && docker kill devkinsta_adminer && docker kill devkinsta_db && docker kill devkinsta_mailhog
At line:1 char:27

  • docker kill devkinsta_fpm && docker kill devkinsta_nginx && docker ki …
  •                       ~~

The token ‘&&’ is not a valid statement separator in this version.
At line:1 char:58

  • docker kill devkinsta_fpm && docker kill devkinsta_nginx && docker ki …
  •                                                      ~~

The token ‘&&’ is not a valid statement separator in this version.
At line:1 char:91

  • … cker kill devkinsta_nginx && docker kill devkinsta_adminer && docker …
  •                                                            ~~

The token ‘&&’ is not a valid statement separator in this version.
At line:1 char:119

  • … docker kill devkinsta_adminer && docker kill devkinsta_db && docker …
  •                                                            ~~

The token ‘&&’ is not a valid statement separator in this version.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:slight_smile: [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidEndOfLine

Hi @jefvandegraaf and welcome to DevKinsta! The issue you’re seeing here is likely related to another application using the port number and conflicting with DevKinsta. Good news though is that very soon we’ll be releasing a fix for this. I’m sorry for the trouble. In the meantime if you’d like to continue to troubleshoot this, ensure that all other applications running are exited to try to find which application is taking up those ports.

@jefvandegraaf We just released DevKinsta 2.3.0 which has a automatic port selector! Give it a try and let us know if that fixes .

Hey @michael, doesn’t seem as though you’ve updated the download link to reflect the new version. The link is still downloading -v 2.2.0. If you could update the download link, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
