Max_input_vars too small

On the actual sites, the max_input_vars is 10000.
In DevKinsta it is 1000.
On settings pages with lots of options, this can lead to data loss.
It would help that the PHP settings mirror those of actual Kinsta servers.

Thank you for the feature request @ZagnaH !

Any update here? or maybe we can manually edit the Max Input Vars but I do not see any option?

Hi @Digital_Hub_Design, thanks for reaching out! The default max_input_vars has not been modified yet, but you can quickly change this on per site basis with the PHP.ini Editor which is at the very bottom of the Site Info page:

Thank you

This will help us developed on local more before pushing them to live. Appreciated

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As an update to this thread, we have also increased max_inpu_vars from 1000 to 5000 as of DevKinsta 2.7.0. You can still change this from the php.ini settings, though: DevKinsta Releases (Minor) - #12 by Kevin

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