Local site greyed out

Hi @jacksheo, I’ve finally been able to reproduce this issue/fix it on my end and here is my theory:

Something on your PC keeps reverting the host file changes that DevKinsta makes. It could be a security application or something malicious, I do not know. You would have to find a way to track when the file is changed/what is changing it. Here’s a relevant question. We can keeep troubleshooting if it turns out it’s DevKinsta deleting the entries for some reason.

How I Reproduced This:

  1. I opened my hosts file then deleted the DEVKINSTA entries block(including the commented lines)
#### START DEVKINSTA entries
all my domains here
#### END DEVKINSTA entries
  1. I completely closed then restarted DevKinsta. All of my sites were now grey.

How I fixed this:

  1. I completely closed DevKinsta
  2. I added the DEVKINSTA block back with my appropriate host entries.
#### START DEVKINSTA entries site.local www.site.local
::1 site.local
::1 www.site.local
#### END DEVKINSTA entries
  1. I opened config.json and changed any host related errors to “running” and deleted the error. There are two places where this change needs to be made for each site. I’ve screenshotted a before and after:


  2. After restarting DevKinsta, I’m able to view the sites like normal again.

So fixing the issue is relatively easy, the hard part is figuring out what process is deleting the host file in the first place. I unfortunately can’t reproduce the randomness of it, that’s why I believe it’s something on your PC that is doing it.

I’m going to discuss a possible built-in solution for DevKinsta to just restore entries on restart with our developers, though. That would at least save you from having to do this manually.

Please let me know if these steps do not work for you or if you figure out what is resetting your hosts file.