Keep getting DK0006 Error when trying to install DevKinsta

That’s great to hear, everyone! I’ll go ahead and mark this reply as the solution with all the possible fixes that we have found based on information here: How to set DOCKER_HOST on 4.13.0 without /var/run/docker.sock · Issue #6529 · docker/for-mac · GitHub

  1. Downgrading seems to Docker Desktop 4.10.1 seems like a reliable solution for now.

  2. Another solution provided by the Docker devs is to manually create the missing Symlink like this:
    sudo ln -s "$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock" /var/run/docker.sock

  3. Manually setting the DOCKER_HOST variable also seems like a possible solution via this command:
    export DOCKER_HOST="unix:///Users/YOURUSERNAME/.docker/run/docker.sock"

It seems as if the Docker developers are reconsidering this change so hopefully they release a more straightforward fix in a future release. Any changes we make to DevKinsta to accommodate this Docker update could break backwards compatibility with older Docker Desktop releases for Mac so we are holding off on updates for now.

Please let us know if none of the above solutions work and thank you all for contributing to the current solution!