Error establishing database connection


after (unnoticed) running out of enough free diskspace I now get an ‘error establishing database connection’. I freed up some diskspace reinstalled devkinsta but the error remains. When I try to open the database via the Database manager I’ getting warning/errors: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/adminer.php:181) in /var/www/html/adminer.php). Any help would be appreciated

DevKinsta 2.2.0 addresses the issue of checking to ensure that Docker has enough disk space available for DevKinsta to run. Are you running on 2.2.0 by chance?

You’ll want to open up Docker and increase the disk size here:

Hi, I am now :wink: But I can’t seem to restore the connection to the database. When I try to open the database via the Database manager I’ getting warning/errors: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/html/adminer.php:181) in /var/www/html/adminer.php). See Dropbox - Schermafbeelding 2021-10-20 om 19.00.47.png - Simplify your life.

Hey @Bjorn . Could you try DevKinsta 2.3.0 and let me know if that resolves this for you?

Hi Michael, I upgraded to version 2.3.0 but it did not solve the issue. For the sites that were already there before I run out of memory I still get the error message. When adding a new site it all works fine. When I open the database manager for a ‘new’ site it’s opening fine as well. When I look in the database dropdown, I only see the newly added sites (db’s). So I assume that after running out of memory something made the other DB’s disappear or inaccessible…See Dropbox - devkinsta - Simplify your life

Thank you for testing that @Bjorn . We’re not sure what could have happened there but we’ll keep taking a look at this.

No problem, I’ll just delete the old sites and will regularly make backups. Talking about backups, it would be a great feature if local/cloud backups could be made directly from within Devkinsta (like Flywheel is offering)…just a tip :wink: Keep up the great work and looking forward to new improvements. Thanks and best regards,

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