Adminer Import Size

It would help a lot if the Adminer import size would be increased from 2MB to something much bigger.
128MB would be nice.

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Hey Jarno :wave:

I’ll certainly pass this on. I do see that the limits are set quite low.

We should have a workaround to this, I’ll post it once I can confirm it for you.

A +1 from me. I love your tool, and kudos for making this available!

But I can’t import my database. I get Too big POST data. Reduce the data or increase the ‘post_max_size’ configuration directive.



Thank you guys! We’re on it :slight_smile:

Temporary workaround (as @bigsimon said it here):

docker exec -i devkinsta_db mysql -u root -p [DB name] < [path/to/sql/file]
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Command line work perfectly and you will get better performance than Adminer or PhpMyadmin, and more reliable. cheers

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Hi :wave:

Our latest release of DevKinsta 1.0.2 should address this issue. If you already have DevKinsta downloaded, it will automatically update. You can also re-download DevKinsta by visiting our downloads page.